Matt Crouch hosts Ken Ham from Answers in Genesis/Creation Museum, Dr. Hugh Ross from Reasons to Believe, Ray Comfort from Living Waters, Dr. John A. Bloom from Science & Religion Program Biola University, Sean McDowell from Sean McDowell Worldview Ministries, Eric Hovind from Creation Today and music by Christian Ebner.
First, I am not a "Young-Earther." I for one believe that 6,000 years isn't young at all. To be clear, that was a joke... I agree with Ken Ham that the authority of my believe, and truth, is God's Word (the Bible). I don't believe there is anyone who would come to the conclusion of millions or billions of years after reading the Bible. I never believed, as a result of reading God's Word, that the world was millions of years old. I remember when I was an early Christian and the subject of Dinosaurs came up with me... Yes, I believed (because I was taught in schools and from a young age) that the world must have been millions of years old since I believed that dinosaurs lived on earth and I was told that they died about 65 million years ago.
I don't believe I could say it any more clearly than Ken Ham, Eric Hovind or Ray Comfort explained it within this program, so I won't try. I will say that I agree with them. I will make sure to disregard anything I hear in the future from Hugh Ross, or at least pass it through a very strict filter. Regarding Sean Mcdowell, I think he needs to get off the fence and choose his position… I think that his position of sitting on the fence is like someone who is really sitting on a fence… it hurts, and it's not a good place to be.
I am a bit worried for Hugh Ross… because he said what brought him to a faith in Jesus Christ was some understanding he got about creation when he was younger… If that's all that 'brought' him to Christ, then I fear for him and his soul. That is not the right motive to come to a savior. To learn more about that, watch any of Ray Comforts videos (for one, God's Wonderful Plan, found here on this site.) As Ray Comfort explains towards the end of the program, there is one reason to come to Jesus Christ for salvation… and it deals with something that we need a savior for.
Honestly, if I was in a college course taught by John A. Bloom I would drop out immediately. It's strange to me that someone who is a Doctor, and proclaimed to be so smart is sooo loosey-goosey. He seems to be sitting on a fence just like Sean, which isn't a good place to be.
As for the music by Christian Ebner: I thought his voice was pleasant and I liked the second song he sang. I didn't like the first song he sang as I thought it was too "warm and fuzzy" for me. I will say in closing, it's probably better to be ignorant like Bloom and McDowell, than wrong like Dr. Ross.
That's my thoughts...
~ brandt dary