Does that make sense why you should fear God? He is the creator of the universe and the just Judge of all mankind and He hates things that you have done… Lying, Stealing, Lust, unjust hatred, and especially idolatry: creating a god in your mind to suite yourself. We should fear the Lord because we have sinned against Him and have done what even we knew to be wrong (because God gave us a conscience to know the difference between right and sin).
Here's another verse that talks about fear… "By steadfast love and faithfulness iniquity is atoned for, and by the fear of the LORD one turns away from evil." This doesn't mean that if we have steadfast love and faithfulness that our sin will be forgiven, or atoned for, but rather that God, who is love, showed mercy to us by making ONE way for our sins to be forgiven, and that is through sending His Son, Jesus Christ into the world to live a perfect sinless life and die a sinners death on the cross. We broke God's law and Jesus Christ paid our fine. Now God commands everyone to repent, because He has appointed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness. (Acts 17:30).
To repent means to turn from their sinful ways and beliefs with towards God and to trust alone in Jesus Christ for your salvation. Godly sorrow produces repentance; you should have godly sorry when you think about all the sins you've committed and how God loved you enough to pay the price for your sins by dying in your place.
"The fear of the LORD is hatred of evil…" (Proberbs 8:13a, ESV)
Do you hate what is evil? Do you love what is right? If not, then you don't fear the Lord and you haven't even begun to have wisdom. Repent today. Understand that Jesus Christ is the only way that your sins can be forgiven. Thank God for his steadfast love and faithfulness in making a way of salvation. Unless you repent, you will perish.
By God's Grace
~ brandt dary